how, when, where and why
Do the lighting for the video
Everything you need to know to up your game and impact your viewers
Let’s start!

How Video Lighting Works
Light, an essential element of photography and cinematography.
Light allows us to see, and it is energy that allows cameras to capture images.
The light can be emitted by the sun or by artificial light, in the form of waves of different lengths.
From the clear shape of a shadow, it can be said that light travels in a straight line.
White light is a variety of wavelengths, it contains all colors visible to humans, and each color belongs to a specific wavelength.
From the long wavelength known as the color red, to the shorter wavelength which shows the color blue.
When light hits an object, some of it is absorbed, indicating the color/wavelength that is reflected. Thus, a red apple illuminated by white light only reflects the wavelength of the color red, all the other colors of this white light are absorbed.
Lighting behavior
The behavior of light depends on the material on which it strikes.
There are 3 different reactions:
Reflection, absorption and refraction of light.
Reflection: the light is reflected with the same angular value as the light that has reached the surface.
Absorption: part of the light is absorbed by the medium and the other part is reflected.
Refraction: the diffusion of light modifies the medium.
Light determines the perception of volumes by the eye when an object is illuminated.
For example, an orange placed under a bulb is illuminated with its shape from different angles, which varies the intensity of the light reflected on the orange, giving a round effect without having to touch the fruit.
The eye can see objects clearly by regulating a limited amount of light, through regulation of the pupil and lens.
How to properly light a video studio?
Do you have in mind how to properly light a scene?
The most basic and simplest is that of the 3 lighting points. With this technique you will be able to eliminate excesses and emphasize the protagonist.
Before moving on, I want to make it clear that there are many ways to light up a scene, it all depends on what purpose you want to achieve, for now we will cover the basics.
For this technique, we will have 3 lights (main, fill and backlight).
The main lighting: it is the most powerful light in general which will be directly focused on the protagonist, depending on the emotion that we want to convey or the characteristics of the subject this is where we place it. Typically, we place it at 45 degrees to the camera and subject. As for the height, we will leave it above the head of the protagonist, leaning slightly downwards.
Task lighting: it is placed opposite the main light, also at 45 degrees in relation to the camera and the subject. The main purpose of this lighting is to be able to fill in the shadows generated by the main light. A reflector can also be used as a fill light.
This light goes exactly in the opposite direction to the main light, from front to front. What this spot generates is a halo on the protagonist, generating a distinction between the background and the character, thus giving a more real or three-dimensional feel.
There are many other types of lighting, if you are interested, you can ask us or search these types of lighting:
side light, functional light, motivated light, bounced light, soft light, hard light, accent light, accent light, ambient light, available light.

What kind of lighting for video?
Today there are many varieties, we will stick to the basics, and only 2 of them.
Natural lighting and LED panels
Natural lighting: It’s free but not easy to use, to start you have to consider that it constantly changes direction, as well as its shape; if it is cloudy it generates a softer light than if it is sunny and it is the middle of the day when it generates a harder light.
There are always solutions to these problems, such as diffusers in the case of hard light or using it as an accent light and not as a main light.
LED panel:
With today’s technology, LED lights produce incredible results. They do not heat up, which means greater maneuverability and less waiting time.
There are generally two types: daylight, whose constant temperature is 5600k, and multiple color temperatures, whose intensity is adjustable.

Other types of film lighting:
Dedolight: This type of light was designed by a cinematographer.
Fluorescent: It works with electromagnetic radiation, depending on the wavelength different colors can be created, these often have cold and warm lights which are switched on at the discretion of the scene or need for which they are required.
Softlight: This type of light is weak, it is not directional because it has panels that make it direct, the light is diffused, that is, the projection of shadows on the edges is soft, it allows reduce shadows without creating additional shadows.
HMI: stands for “Hydrargyrum Medium Arc-length Iodide”: a lamp made from metal halide and mercury vapor. They emit less heat.
Fresnel: The name comes from French physicist Augustin-Jean Fresnel who was the first to construct a type of lens that would replace mirrors. This lens aims to realize a collimator-focusing system of light in a more economical and lighter way.